
7-9 Fennel Street, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 1UQ.

An instruction was received from Twentytwenty – Life Skills on Wednesday 13th September 2017 to undertake a Pre-Acquisition survey prior to them acquiring the lease of the property. The report was to cover the condition, identify all defects and future maintenance requirements along with  of the building budget cost along with commenting on the legislative compliance issues that affect users, owners and occupiers.

Our approach

First of all we carried out a desk top review of the lease followed by on site survey which also included a review of  the onsite documentation i.e. on site manual, health and safety file and Fire Risk Assessments. A report was then issued that covered the condition of the building along with a 10 year cyclical maintenance plan and cost

 Client benefits

  • The report provided the enabled the client to make informed decision about the proposed premises and its investment potential.
  • Helped to  decide to go ahead with the lease and influence negotiations regarding price.
  • Identified all future cyclical and repair cost.
  • Prioritised the critical information on high risk problems and the potential costs
  • liabilities which needed to be factored into the client’s negotiation